Overstanding Natural Law and Civics

From a very young age, we are all taught by action and words to OBEY the LAW.  As a child this is the law of the house, the community guidelines for daily harmony in living.  The RULES may include not tracking mud into the house, lest you break the social contract with your Mother to not mess up the floors.  

This contract of action, based on the laws of the community, is often referred to as CIVICS.  To be CIVIL in service to the good of the community.  Successful cultures are filled with people getting along under a common code of conduct.  In its purest form, the most successful legal framework is the “law of the land” – THAT law is – Natural Law.  

The Law of the LAND is a very important phrase to comprehend.  Note I did not make the statement of pleading to UNDERSTAND this transition to a peaceful and comfortable engagement with the LAW. To “UNDER STAND” is to Stand under the judge of the court of Law.  this may seem harsh but it is the TRUTH. 

The legal framework that demands understanding as a language component, for example, “Do you understand these rights”, immediately places one above another in the court of judgment and commerce.  

A Sovereign human in a Natural Law system has STANDING.  This posture is reinforced by the power of testimony and a very specific threshold for injury.  In a court case, a sovereign human is self-represented by statement and deed.  The court should only be involved in your life if you have injured the life or property of another and recompense is due, but not agreed upon.

We currently live under a structure of Maritime Law.  Our entire legal system is based on a set of legally incepted entities that exist and thrive under the Corporate Maritime rules of engagement and conflict resolution.  To have ANY impact or effective voice in ALL court systems one must have STANDING.  

The Natural Law environment gives standing to all who address the court.  Should counsel be needed an advocate may be called, but the norm is self-representation.  YOUR TESTIMONY is valid and of worth in the construct of Natural Law.  

In the Maritime legal framework, a system that is based on the Water, hence maritime – ONLY ONE has standing, with regards to the people under the scrutiny of the Law of the Water, the Citizenry of the legal state.  Those with BAR accreditation, Lawyers, Judges, Police, workers of the court system – THEY have standing in the system.  This requires an oath of fealty to the Crowne, the British Monarchy, and the judges of the water.    

The ONLY one with STANDING in the system, as a human, is CHRIST.  In scripture Christ exhibits the ability to walk on water, this is biblical history and commonly accepted.  When in the maritime system the act of prayer and intentional planning around a divine salvation strategy is an excellent representation.  When in court, call upon the ONLY one with standing, who can walk on waters, Jesus The Christ.  

The Docket must be dissolved.  The swamp, which is the court of the water, must be drained.  Dry Land must be engaged in the dissolved and wrecked ports of the corporate legal ship that provides a platform of standing for those beholden to the oath of the Crowne.  In a Natural Law system, this is a reality, all have standing.

OVER STANDNG the unraveling of over two hundred years of legal and financial tyranny, as a process, takes time.  The migration of societal norms, long trapped in the cycle of debt and worth, will take as long as a generation.  Unlocking the POWER of the Sovereign trust, its implications, and the concept of STANDING, will take as many as twenty years.  A short generation of change. 

The midway point between Maritime Law, Common Law, and Natural Law is COMMON LAW.  The common law concept is still rooted in a Monarcy Serf relationship.  This topic will be addressed at length at the WWW.THETRUTHSEEKERS88.com – a deeper path to the TRUTH of self through LEGAL standing.

The concept of Common Law is rooted in a pact made to the people, by the king, in the 1600’s.  It took the Ruling King of the time less than a fortnight to break the vow of service to serfs.  This pattern is at the core of COMMON LAW.  The seat of the ruling Monarchy has no recompense of judgment at the breaking of a Vow of action.  The resolution of conflict holds TWO different classes under common law, the Monarch is still above the Law of the LAND.

Natural Law is rooted in the Law of the Land.  The cool dry surface of justice in action and recompense to injury, a legal accusation, has a different resolution under the Law of the Land, or, Natural Law.  in the Natural Law construct the Injured party has a much smaller lay to claim of assets and generationional wealth, than in Common Law or Maritime Law.

The Natural Law construct allows for a true cure of injury for the judicial rule for the one qualified as INJURED.  Frivolous lawsuits do not exist in the Natural Law universe.  The root of Maritime Law cannot take hold in a Natural Law construct, there is no WATER OF LIFE to float the vessel, the water of OUR LIFE is retained in the VESSEL of our TRUST in the oldest and most ancient Law .. Natural Law.

To learn more about the construct of a TRUST, the Vessel of your generational wealth, seek out your path to generations of success in YOUR HOUSE at www.thetruthseekers88.com

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