Salvation and Divinity are closely intertwined. Both concepts stand-alone and have an action component. Combined with the power of the Human Heart – the results may be truly astounding.
Salvation, as defined in Christian Text, referencing the core King James sixty-six book cannon, is a financial transaction. A BLOOD DEBT is paid by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, on the cross. This debt payment was demanded by the court of the time and driven by a social narrative of suppression of message by the ruling elites of the time, the Romans.
The Action of Sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice of CHRIST, for ALL – not just a chosen few – lies at the root of the redemption transaction, for those who choose to follow Christ, under a heart-spoken vow.
In the Christian context, the Divine often refers to GOD as the all-powerful source in our realm. To seek divine redemption is an act that is embodied in the acceptance and laying of fealty to Christ, in our daily lives. The commitment of our time, talents, and treasures – in real time – every day to the furtherance of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Divinity or Divination, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is as follows
- The art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers
- Unusual insight: intuitive perception
We are in a spiritual battle that is fought against, not flesh and blood, but in the world of the unseen forces manipulating our daily lives, and the lives of those we engage with. Using a strategy of Divine Salvation, as a hard cornerstone, provides something to DEPEND upon.
The rules of engagement in the spiritual battle demand your standing with the weapons and the armour of God described in Ephesians Six. Adopting an attitude and spiritual stance rooted in a knowledge that YOU are empowered by your FAITH in Action, as commanded by a STANDING of Divine Salvation.
The information and discussions surrounding the concept and adoption of an Attitude of Divine Salvation may be found on this BLOG and the correlating Truth Seekers 88 web resources.
A well-known strategy for learning how to LIVE a DIVINE SALVATION lifestyle involves engaging with the Divine teachings found in Psalms and Proverbs. Proverbs has thirty-one entries. Reading a Proverb a Day allows for the reading of Proverbs twelve times a year, a full-year course on good DIVINE decision-making strategies. a five minutes a day commitment to DIVINE teachings – an adoptable number of minutes.
Psalms consists of the whining of David about his errant ways. King David is responsible for about two-thirds of the Psalms. The remaining psalms, totaling one hundred and fifty, are passionate descriptions of the wrath and love of the God of Abraham and Noah.
If you read Psalms, every month, it is also read on the calendar day. On the first day of the month, you read the 1st, 31st, 91st, and 121st Psalms. Just add thirty to the first day until you get to 150. It is a handful of Psalms every day. This is also a year’s task. At the end of which, you will know the groanings and exaltations of kings past.
For many generations, the active definition of Divinity and Salvation has been crafted by a school, a church, or a government. Embracing the Divine Salvation of Humanity involves ALL OF US in a harmonic embrace of ONE Truth.
Finding YOUR Truth is a process. More information on how to further your search may be found at