Four or five generations ago, at the turn of the century, once removed .. the health of our nation was different.  We are told that at the turn of the century, from the 1800’s to 1900’s, the state of medicine and health was primitive and brutal.  This is simply not true.  The examples given in old movies often refer to the brutality of WW1 or the same level of violence in the “Wild West”.

In reality, our past, within the last 200 years, has included a working knowledge of DIS EASE and the natural remedies to combat things like ‘The Common Cold”.  For generations the fear of Cancer or early onset childhood disease has gripped us in fear, with regards to our health.  The “Wellness Check” is nothing more than a prescription for sick management, not true health care.

To care for your health, the true wealth of your life, and the CURRENCY of your daily success – a departure from the confinement of Western medicine- must be considered.  Considering food, as medicine, is the first step.  Listening to the frequency of health and spiritual wealth replaces the wellness check.  A corner drug store is replaced by a grocer or meat supply with healthy, non-toxic food.  

Cleansing your system from decades of abuse, under the banner of wellness and fast food, takes more than a day, week or month.  Engaging with the frequency of health in your environment and at the table requires research combined with trial and error.  The team has been through these trials, errors, and successes.  

Frequency as a healing modality, specific frequencies, applied to your environment is vital to your continued success.  Lowering environmental EMF in the form of wireless devices, phones, etc is also vital.  Establishing an area, your sleep chamber, with grounded sheets and NO strong lights or other electronics, results in actual sleep hygiene.  ALL of these concepts fall in line with frequency health, giving your body a chance to detox and recover from our polluted realm.

Join the team as we walk the path to better health with less pain and more abundance of life.  

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