The topic of “Authentic Bible Study” is a trap. Defining YOUR true authentic biblically and scripturally derived TRUTH represents a very personal journey. This journey can be no more personal or intimate than the definition of AUTHENTIC SCRIPTURE, as it pertains to and interacts with your DAILY LIFE. As scripture states, the judgment of a TRUTH is borne of the FRUIT of the energy expended, the bursting of a seedling into an IDEA and an ACTION based on Faith and Trust in … Scripture. For continuity, the scripture referenced in this series will be based on the sixty-six book cannon, as defined by the Council of Nicea, hundreds of years ago.
Authentic Bible analysis, verse by verse, is challenging. A number of ‘verified’ translations of the biblical text exist. The sheer number of “translations” of scripture can be overwhelming. The result of the translations over centuries creates and urges division among the faithful. Disagreeing on every ‘Jot and tittle” of scripture only advances the goals of those who stand against the root of scripture.
The goal of Authentic Bible reporting is beyond the missive arguments surrounding a comma, period, or word replacement, within a specific piece of the words of CHRIST or the God of Abraham and Noah. Authentic scripture review is rooted in the core truths of Jesus The Christ, the giver of the salvation message, the gateway to a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The resource is available, with a much deeper dive into the MANY scriptural challenges presented during the end of the age of division in our realm. The transition into the Golden Age of Humanity is upon us. Leaving the strife of our age requires the opening of your spiritual eyes.
The Truth Seekers team is well versed in the sixty-six book cannon, agreed upon at the Council of Nicea in the 1500s. The review of alternative scriptures, the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’, is not widely addressed during this review of scripture, if at all.
Common engagements with the Actions of FAITH, the defense of character in the spiritual realm, and the scripturally legal tools – allowing for a cleansed spiritual battle – as qualified by the words of Christ and the Apostles may be found in these teachings.
As we engage with the journey of Faith through the mire and muddle of messages and stolen spiritual intention it is vital that we a ARMED with a spirit of TRUTH. The courage of the Lion of Judah and PEACE with the outcome of the judgment of the highest, the God of Abraham and NOAH combined with the spirit of peace provided by the Holy Spirit.
Individual spiritual freedom is rooted in the Wisdom, Knowledge, and applied actions of Faith spurned along by Hope and Prayer. Harness the spiritual power that lies within you through the coaching of the team. Spiritual gains are not FREE but they are also not tied to the FIAT FAITH of the realm. Establishing a CHURCH OF FAITH in your home, your mansion of success, as defined by scripture is a haven of peace of the heart. This realm of supporting rhythm beats with the heart of the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Noah.
Join us in the revelation of release from the debt slavery of a lie of fear. The true light of TRUTH lies in the scripture written in your heart. Join us on the journey to release from the prison of fear.